If any one should be flippin' the bird and looking like a crab apple it should be me! I have major shit going down at work. I have never been so busy and overwhelmed in my life (ok, I might be exaggerating) I'm freaking out because of the upcoming elections in both of our countries. And today while watching my son's playoff game, I got a soccer ball in the face. Full force right in the nose. So Suck It Kirstie!
It seems Diddy's bodyguard is better at holding umbrella's over his head than checking the sidewalk for dog shit. I just wish they got pictures of the tantrum that must have followed.
not to post anything political and it's been very, very difficult but Elizabeth Hasselbeck never disappoints. Here she is taking a jab at Michelle Obama and since Elizabeth is in the entertainment industry (barf) I shall post it.
When I see this right wing Barbie on TV I wish Mark Burnett and Barbara Walters were never born.
When first seeing this photo I thought The Dog was walking with a 15 month pregnant Gwen Stefani! But alas, it's Beth. She scares the shit out of me, look at that face. She'd eat me and you for breakfast.