Sunday, October 19, 2008

Run Suri Run!


Anonymous said...

Her meds must have been wearing off. They should really pay more attention to that, especially if they're out in public like that.

The Mistress said...

Make sure you picked his pocket before you hit the shops on Rodeo Drive.

Litzi said...

Is Tommy Girl giving Suri his evil-eye Scientology look? If so, that poor little girl better run as far and as fast as possible…

Anonymous said...

Chloroform will get this kid in my control, er, under control.

The Mistress said...

The World Champ gets around.

Hello champ.

What have you done with the comments section?

We can't see the avatars anymore!

D. Prince said...

Oh My God!
I have no idea what's happened here. WTF!

The Mistress said...

Just found out...

Go to Blogger Buzz & it tells about new format.

I'm seeing this on other blogs too but I don't like it.

How did you get avatars back?

D. Prince said...

Thanks, I'll check that out.

I switched to the pop-up comment format and voila the avatars are back!

Prunella Jones said...

Toddler robots malfunction sometimes. She just needs a little reprogramming and she'll be good.