Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Child Protective Services Please Stand By...

This story actually put me in a bad mood this morning and I'm really hoping it's not true.

Apparently, according to the fucked up Church/ Cult of Scientology "newborn babies must not hear their mother speak for a week so they will not associate their voice with the trauma of birth." They are also to be swadled and left alone for a day and no medical examinations must take place within the first week of the baby's life.

This whole thing just seems to be getting weirder and weirder.
That poor child.



Maddie said...

Yeah...I am so over that scientology bullshit religion. Katie walks around like she is in a drug haze and the only word she seems to know is 'amazing'. I really really hope she gets outta dodge...

D. Prince said...

I just want the baby to be born/hatched so we it can be done with!

I'm sick of it all (although not too sick that I won't bitch about it) When I read about Katie being all spaced and smiling during that interview where Tom was talking about being abused as a child I thought; ok, it's time for a major Katie intervention. Where are her family and friends? Did he whack them all?

Too weird.