Wednesday, July 19, 2006

To see what I mean, click here


MC said...

My mouth is agape... and not in a good way.

I had to go to Hollaback Girl to clear my music palate, which is like gargling with garlic paste to get rid of the taste of roadkill in your mouth.

Geoff said...

Sometimes I'm glad I haven't got sound at work.

D. Prince said...

I just spit my drink reading your comment MC. You must write a book one day, you are funny.

She has definitely ripped off Hollaback Girl. And I agree, that's bad enough the first time around.

MC said...

and now the scope for my mind:

D. Prince said...

Yes Geoff consider yourself lucky.

I can't tell which is worse the sights or the sounds.

Prunella Jones said...

I am reminded of a womens studies class I took in college. When women act like whores in videos are they owning their sexuality in our patriarchal society or are they just catering to men and being whores? Discuss.

Pamer said...

mc - it's just not the same without the words

"Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport… the thrill of victory… and the agony of defeat… the human drama of athletic competition… this is ABC's Wide World of Sports!"

The Mistress said...

Longest 3 minutes and 35 seconds of my life.

Jamie Marie said...

I couldn't make it through the whole thing I was DONE in less than a minute. Blech!

Maddie said...

Yeah...I can't get a feel for Fergie. But there is a little positivity to be found here...she could have recorded a song called "Public Affair" and ripped off an Icon.