Thursday, August 03, 2006

This Is a Bad Look


Litzi said...

Hi D. Prince,
This is embarrassing, but who is she? I agree with you that she's a bit "nasty" looking.

D. Prince said...

That's Gewn Stefani, Fashion Icon.

Chilihead2 said...

Looks a bit like Eddie Murphy circa 1982.

Maddie said...

She is killing her own line. She looks like a white Harlem Globe Trotter.

Prunella Jones said...

Those pants are beyond hideous.

Litzi said...

Hi D. Prince,
Thanks for the information. Gwen Stefani is a "fashion icon"?? In this outfit? Maybe I was better off in the dark....

MC said...

yeah, it was the pants that put that over the top.

D. Prince said...

This outfit brought to mind Breakin' the movie and that's not a good thing.

Michelle Flaherty said...

Let's start with her hair. Some people really should go blonde.