Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving Neighbours!


Anonymous said...

Hi D. Prince,
Thanks! And a pleasant “normal” Thursday to you! Is this a retro picture from a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade?

While Americans are toiling away in the kitchen, stuffing themselves with too much food and watching football, all our neighbors in Canada can continue with their daily activities. Is tomorrow the BIG shopping day for the beginning of the Christmas season like it is in the U.S.?

D. Prince said...

It is indeed a retro picture from a Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

I have to admit I'm a parade addict.

The holiday season does seem to kick off after American Thanksgiving, even in Canada. It's officially when Christmas commercials start plugging up the tv.

Anonymous said...

Hi D. Prince,
Parades are exciting to witness, either first hand or on television. Our airwaves, magazines, newspapers and mailboxes have been clogged with Christmas advertising since October and it’s only going to get worse before the 25th of December.