Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I Have No Words


Anonymous said...

The scary thing is, that crack follows you wherever you go in the room... it's really spooky.

Prunella Jones said...

What am I looking at? A butt? Boobs? That's one big pair of ....something.

D. Prince said...

MC, you are a funny man.
Of course, I had to try it.

I know what you mean Prunella, what is that?? And if it is buttocks... how? That's all I can say is, how? They look like they're glued on.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. When butt becomes boob...

However said...

Very scary!

Anonymous said...

The oddest thing to me, now that I've actually spent some time away from family and friends contemplating this, is that the exact posture and position that has created this boob-crackage effect is ludicrously not normal.

And I know that sounds like an obvious thing to say, but stick with me for just a moment.

Regardless of how large and bulbous your ass might or might not be, I'd posit that you cannot get that exact effect without really trying hard to get it. In other words, she's GOTTA be pushing really hard backwards in order to achieve such an effect.

And why, really? Is it supposed to be more alluring than simply bent over and nearly naked in the first place? Doesn't it instead just draw more attention to its own inherent bizarreness?

*sigh.* Now I've truly wasted too much time on this. I should go feed some sick children or something.

Pamer said...

I posed in front of a mirror this morning for ten minutes trying to get those lumps...forget yoga