Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Celine Dion and Daughter, Er, I Mean Son


Anonymous said...

My son is trying to grow his hair longer. I told him not too long. Today I was able to braid some of it and I told him if I could do that, his hair was too long.

Tomorrow, I'm going to show him the picture of Celine's son you have posted to show him how much boys with long hair look like girls. I'm hoping he will decide to get his hair cut again after seeing that!

D. Prince said...

I'm sure your son is adorable but little boys with really long hair creep me out.

SamuraiFrog said...

This is actually the fifth time I've seen that cover, and I didn't know that was supposed to be a boy. Huh. Guess I should've taken the time to read the cover.

Anonymous said...

Diana, I'm like you. I think boys and/or grown men with long hair don't look right. Especially those men who have nicer hair than me, lol.

As for boys, my son has a friend who comes to school each year with his hair braided and beaded, having just come from the Bahamas. He looks like a total freak. I'm surprised their school hasn't told said anything to the parents about it.

Luckily, my son's hair isn't even close to looking like Celine's and I would NEVER allow him to look like that.

The Mistress said...

Take a look at his mouth.

I'm convinced his father was Jean Chretien.

b13 said...

Freaky... when I had long hair I was called "Miss" quite a few times. But I was a teen. That looks like a little girl :O