Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Idiotic Celebrity Quote of the Weak

Shiloh looks like Brad. It’s funny because she’s almost going to be the outcast in the family because she’s blonde and blue-eyed. I felt so much more for Madd, Zahara and Pax because they were survivors. Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. But I’m conscious that I have to make sure I don’t ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable.”

I'm no psychologist but I'm thinking Miss Jolie hasn't bonded with that baby properly.
And... do I hint a tiny bit of resentment?

Oh and that's Angelina with her brother in the picture.


The Mistress said...

Has that baby been DNA tested for Angelina's brother's genes?

Just Dave said...

It's a good thing that we can't see hwat their hands are up to.

Naomi said...

I got so distracted squinting at the fine print to make sure I was reading "brother" like I thought, that I almost missed the rest.


And that poor kid - what's she going to think when she grows up and reads quotes like that? Wasn't it bad enough to give her a dog name!

AngelHawk said...

I heard this quote, or something equally annoying, out of her, before. She is heralded as a wonderful and giving person whose work is some huge deal...ummm nah- I am not feeling it- I remember her when she wore a vial of Billy Bob's blood and told Rolling stone about thier freak- nasty ness. I cannot deny that she is a smkoing hot looking woman- but the look is totally DARK and off the beaten path of normalcy- She annoys me- her good deeds do nothing to make me love her at all- and if she thought Brad was gonna polish her image she was wrong- he has his dirt too- and for her not to feel the love for her natural child - actually irks me more than it should - (I am sure the baby has a nanny that cares for her morethan mama) they are still talking about having more kids and yet- she seems to be using them for publicity "look I am not a dark -side lurking, blood drinking,cutting, incestual, sexual deviant- I have numerous children from 3rd world countries...." BAH! And stop making out with your brother, ya freak- it's not hot - IT'S creeeeeeeeepy! -Like her ! LOL

Litzi said...

I think Angelina Jolie is Britney Spears with a brain and some education. However, trash is still garbage no matter how you dress it up, and Brad Pitt is better window dressing than (Osama) Sam Lufti.

D. Prince said...

I just think if you "feel so much for some" and not others... what's so good about that?

Michelle Flaherty said...

Angelina said that when the baby was only a few months old, I believe. Hopefully by now, she's developed a stronger relationship with her.

As for that photo, I realize she's trying to make a statement out there for all those people who had something to say when she sucked face with him on the red carpet, but most siblings I know don't kiss with their eyes shut. I think it's nice to have a healthy relationship with one's siblings, but that's a bit too healthy! ick

poppedculture said...

That was a kicker of a last line. I thought the award show smooch was a one-off.