Friday, July 21, 2006

How Did I Miss This?

Diana Ross looks like she is having some "outside time" at her local mental hospital.
What is that over her eyes?


Anonymous said...

They are actually her eyes. Poor ol' Di normally wears concealer - she is holidaying/mental hospital after all

Maddie said...

LOL looks like Kiwi...

Anonymous said...

She just got back from seeing The Wiz.
Or maybe it's oobleck.

Anonymous said...

I will never eat a kiwi fruit again

Leisa said...

guess they ran out of cucumbers.

D. Prince said...

Or teabags.

Jamie Marie said...

(shudder) I'll probably have nightmares after seeing this.

Anonymous said...


Kelly said...

Didn't you know? Cucumbers are too common for the likes of Diana Ross. Must use something more exotic.

Litzi said...

Hi D. Prince,
What’s with the WILD hair? It looks like she stuck a wet finger in a light socket and got electrocuted….